K Diving
About the Team
Welcome to K2 Diving!
Hi everyone. The name K (K squared) originated when I was coaching at Old Dominion University in Norfolk in the 1990’s. We had a great group of college divers, and for fun, they called themselves the K Divers because of my initials-KK.
While sitting with a group of new divers one day, I mentioned the story of the original K divers at O.D.U. They liked the K name and they decided to call the team K DIVING, which now, most people refer to as K2 Diving.
And so it was...
Unofficially, we started in the summer of 2011 with a handful of divers. Most of those were High School divers who mainly dove during the High School season. Eventually more divers heard that we were starting to dive more than just during the High School season, and not long after, K2 DIVING became an official club.
We remained small simply because there was only O.D.U. and Norfolk Academy that had diving boards. We started using those two facilities and then Midtown Aquatic Center in Newport News opened, and we now had a 3rd pool. Eventually Southside Aquatic Center in Norfolk would open in 2014, and K2 DIVING was practicing at all of those sites. In 2017 we found an old warehouse in Virginia Beach and turned it into our Dry Land Training Center, and we’re still there today!
Since we started, K2 DIVING has produced:
10 AAU All-Americans
6 High School Diving All-Americans
10 High School State Champions
2 High School State Championship Silver Medalists
1 two-time AAU National Champion
4 AAU National Championship Silver Medalists
1 AAU National Championship Bronze Medalist
1 Masters National Champion
1 Masters World Champion...
And we’re not done yet!
Because the best news to come our way in a good while is that of the new Hampton Aquaplex that will open in September of 2022. It will have two 3-meter springboards and two 1-meter springboards, and they have identified K2 DIVING as the diving club that will occupy the diving area of the facility.
With the addition of the new Hampton Aquaplex, and still maintaining our commitments with the other pools that we have been at for the past several years, K2 DIVING will now have the resources to increase ALL levels of diving in our program and help K2 DIVING become one of the larger teams on the East Coast!
“Come DIVE with us!”
Keith Kopecky
Head Coach, K 2 DIVING
Read on to learn how to get started.